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United Christian Academy


Phone (423) 478-2500
Address 2200 Peerless Road,
Cleveland, TN 37311 United States


United Christian Academy (UCA) is a premier faith-based educational institution offering a comprehensive Preschool and K-12 program in Cleveland, Tennessee. Established in 1983, UCA is accredited by TANAS and is committed to academic rigor and spiritual growth. Utilizing the respected Abeka Curriculum, the academy offers a wide array of electives and extracurricular activities, from arts and music to athletics. Whether you're seeking a strong academic foundation or a community that nurtures spiritual development, UCA is the all-encompassing educational experience you've been looking for.

School, Preschool, Educational Institution, Christian School, Academy, Private School

Monday To Friday: 7:30 AM–5:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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