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AXION Mold & Water Damage Restoration


Phone (503) 998-7568
Address 2645 SW Oakwood Ct,
Aloha, OR 97006 United States


Has your home or business had water damage or a mold problem? AXION Mold & Water Damage Restoration can help get your life back on track. Our staff members are IICRC-certified mold and water damage restoration experts. We use cutting-edge technology to mitigate water damage and mold. Whether you had a burst pipe, flood, found some fuzzy green stuff growing in your closet, or just have a question, we can help you. AXION Mold & Water Damage Restoration can bring your home or business back to life. Our customer reviews speak for themselves. Give us a call today!

our services:
Water damage restoration service Environmental Consultant Commercial cleaning service

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