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ASU Preparatory Polytechnic STEM Academy


Phone (480) 727-5700
Address 6950 E Williams Field Rd,
Mesa, AZ 85212 United States


ASU Preparatory Polytechnic STEM Academy is a cornerstone of academic excellence in Mesa, aimed at guiding young minds from elementary through middle school and onto high school. Our commitment is to foster a nurturing environment where students thrive on curiosity and innovation within our STEM-certified teaching programs. Providing an inclusive education, we offer robust IEP support to ensure every child's learning needs are met. Our diverse curriculum expands beyond the traditional classroom with Specials that ignite passions in PE, music, and hands-on STEM activities. Additionally, opportunities like colorguard allow for creativity and collaboration, reinforcing the skills needed for collegiate success. For families seeking an elementary school in Mesa or exploring options for middle and high school mesa education focused on college preparatory grades K-6, look no further than our academy where young learners transform into future innovators.

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